Tuesday 17 April 2012

The voice in the wilderness

Key Txt Mathews: 3:3   For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
The message of John the Baptist was a warning to his audience to get ready for the coming of the messiah. He was the preparer of the way for the first advent of Jesus Christ. John message was a call for a transformed life a life that will be ready to accept Christ and to believe in Hid power.
The wilderness signify a lifeless environment where there is nothing so appealing or to be comfortable with. The children of Israel experienced the wilderness life on their way to the Promised Land for the forty year. In the wilderness the children of Israel:
*      They had no water to drink it was so dry. Exodus 15:22   So Moses brought Israel from the Red sea, and they went out into the wilderness of Shur; and they went three days in the wilderness, and found no water. These remind us that in the wilderness we may lack water we may not have Christ in our life at the point we are in the wilderness. Christ is that spring of water that we need John 4:14"but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life."
*      They were attacked by the serpent: In the wilderness they were attacked by serpent that killed most of them on their way to the promised land Numbers 21:1-9
*      In the wilderness is where there was great moral collapse among the children of Israel.
*      In the wilderness the children of Israel forgot about the hand of God which delivered them and they worshiped a calf.
There are many things which happened into the wilderness reminds us of all that happens in our life at the moment in our walk to heaven to the promised land we are also in the Journey as the Israelites’ were.
Therefore the message of John was timely and at the right place john was encountering the Pharisees and the Sadducees. These are people who were very zealous about their religion and their faith. His message was a call to repentance in readiness for the coming Messiah. The same message John was preaching is the message we are to preach at the moment the young are the ones to send forth the message. These call for the parents to train the children in the way of the lord and they shall not depart from it and they will be the best messengers.
The Sadducees and the Pharisees headed to the call and that was as a result of Johns message.
Mathews 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
Who Were Vipers?--The Pharisees were very strict in regard to the outward observance of forms and customs, and were filled with haughty, worldly, hypocritical self-righteousness. The Sadducees denied the resurrection of the dead and the existence of angels, and were skeptical in regard to God. This sect was largely composed of unworthy characters, many of whom were licentious in their habits. By the word "vipers" John meant those who were malignant and antagonistic, bitterly opposed to the expressed will of God. 
     John exhorted these men to "bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance." That is, Show that you are converted, that your characters are transformed. . . . Neither words nor profession, but fruits--the forsaking of sins, and obedience to the commandments of God--show the reality of genuine repentance and true conversion. We may be falling in the same trap as the Pharisees if we keep on allowing the worldly things to take us captive and we claim to be Christians we need to show forth the fruits of our conversion leave as per the spirit and not to conform to the worldly standard Romans 12:1-3. We need to change our ways and following the one whom as called let’s make our calling and election sure so that we may be true ambassadors of Christ.
We may enjoy the comfort that we were born and raised as Adventist but we need to understand that God as called as from the darkness to show forth is light to those are still in the darkness Acts 26:15-19
To my fellow youths it time for us to leave for Christ and dedicate our life for Christ and as His instrument lets develop an attitude of studying Gods word and prayer life. We need to stand for Christ let’s not compromise Christian principle for worldly gain, fame and recognition. We shall be held responsible for what we knew and dint hold to lets be those who discerns the signs of time and know what we ought to do like the Issachar’s.
Let’s be reminded these is the voice that these young who are being inducted today will be carrying the world only if we be an example to them that is why John said to Pharisees God will raise children for himself or even stones to carry the work Mathews 3:9"and do not think to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.”
I pray that we may be the voice in the wilderness to carry forth the message the world in readiness for the coming of Christ lets point them to Christ as the source who can heal their venom poison, who can provide for them the leaving water and bread amidst deficiency. We are the messengers with the good news and our children are the messengers to are you willing to stand with God and be on is side to lead people to the cross and to point them to His second coming . Today is your moment to make that Choice.  

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