Thursday 19 April 2012

G.C New Tithe Plan

 Today, General Conference Executive Committee members voted to recommend to the Annual Council a change in the World Church’s tithe sharing formula. Currently, by policy, the North American Division contributes eight percent of its annual gross tithe to the World Church while the other 12 Divisions contribute two percent – a policy which reflected the financial position of the world tithe at that time.
        The North American Division’s portion of the world tithe has dropped from 69.15% in 1985 to 43.58% in 2010. Therefore, the World Church voted to recommend this change to reflect the growing needs of an ever-changing global field.
        “This decision will allow the North American Division to more adequately fund our missional goals and objectives,” said Tom Evans, treasurer of the North American Division. “The North American Division has been blessed in being instrumental in resourcing the mission of the World Church since its inception,” he said.
       The proposed change in the formula would occur over an eight-year period from 2013 through 2020.  

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