Monday 27 August 2012

Jesus is the Bread not the Bakery!

It has been said that African religions are anthropocentric, meaning that the ancestors or even God exists for the sake of the people. Most Africans continue to view God in this way even when they become Christians. When they are sick, God must coming running and heal them, when they are hungry the same should happen. God literally becomes a Divine-Waitor. 

While it may true that God does meet our needs - He must not be construed as the God of our needs. Jesus did supply the bread to the crowd but this was to teach them that He is the bread and not the bakery. He not only answers our questions but helps us to frame our questions correctly by asking us why we want those answers. The woman at the well asked Jesus for water, but Christ asked her a question -- where is your husband? Christ reserves the right to critique and condemn our needs by showing us what our souls really desire.

One of these days when you feel that Christ does not answer your question, remember that He could be asking you the question about your supposed need. So it is best to sit at His feet and get to know HIm better and learn to live with unanswered questions and unfulfilled needs. As the song goes - "My Jesus knows just what I need"

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